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How can working from home help the environment?


People working from home have a flexibel schedule and work in a relaxing space. There's no

need for a company car, which is good for the environnement and it decreases the traffic. You don't need any extra place for offices, so there's more "Green" left. An extra personal advantage is that it is healthier for your body and you can sleep longer.

everything is better in your pyjamas.

How is packaging damaging the environnement?

The creation of packaging uses natural resources, and that has independent environnemental impacts. It requires water and electricity to create the product. Byproducts of manufacturing can cause unfortunate side effects. The creation of plastics, for example, emits toxic carbon monoxide and other undesirable organic compounds. In fact, many manufacturers admit that the creation of packaging costs more than the creation of the item to be packaged.

What packaging is best for the environment?

1. Corrugated bubble wrap

2. Mushroom packaging

3. Seaweed packaging

4. Recycled cardboard and paper

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